Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

tugas softskil conversation

Rina : Hi cika
Cika : Hi rina 
Rina : How are you Cika ? 
Cika : Im fine , and you ?
Rina : im fine too, what about the last holiday ?
Cika : wooww yesterday my holiday very enjoyable...
Rina : Where did you go on holiday ??
Cika : I was on holiday in Bali with all the family , im very happy to be on holiday with my family 
Rina : While in Bali you go anywhere ?
Cika : I went to beach kuta, sanur beach is very beautiful and stunning scenery . I also shop at the Sukowati , by the way when lita come back from his grandmother's house in Surabaya ?
Rina : Lita said she will go home today 
Cika : Oh oke thanks for your information

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